The Name - Third Space
In a healthy city you have space to live, space to work and then you have third space. Third spaces are local gathering places, where people who live and/or work in the area gather regularly, informally, inexpensively and comfortably. The Third Space Company aims to provide such places and, in doing so, make the neighbourhood and the city a better place to live. We’ve been doing that in Smithfield since 2012.

We have five core values:
- To run a viable business
- To make magic every day
- To serve our guests whole-heartedly
- To provide space where change can happen
- To train people towards transformation

Tales From Third Space
Third Space is about people – customers and staff. From the first day the doors opened Third Space has welcomed a broad and diverse range of wonderful customers. And the staff team that has welcomed them has grown to love serving them well. Together we have had a lot of fun and shared in the adventure. This is your chance to meet a few of those people and hear their stories.
A Social Business
Third Space is a social enterprise, a business with a social purpose. The main aim of the business is not profit maximisation but social benefit. To do that we have to trade profitably. There is no external funding or subsidies (apart from state assistance during Covid). A viable business creating social capital is another way to describe what we try to do. The relatively small profit that is generated is used to improve the business, fund a staff profit-share and to support local good causes.
You can learn more about social enterprises in Ireland here: